Thursday, January 31, 2013

Eat For The Glow!

When I began modeling as a young lady, I learned a lot about being healthy. The mother agency who worked hard to manage and groom their models...looked after us and made sure we were up to par on physical fitness and to book jobs. They were adamant about this "Miracle" eating regimen that gave good skin and a great physique. I was young, with naturally dewy skin and a fast metabolism, so I didn't quite believe the hype. UNTIL that is... I saw the most shocking transformation ever. One of the newer models they had brought on, was slightly over weight...for agency standards...but most importantly, had noticeably bad skin. I remember questioning the agency's  purpose, because she just didn't look like the models I'd seen running around the agency. In any case... she was put on the same supposed "Miracle Diet" and the grooming began. It hadn't been 3 weeks when I saw her again, and I was ASTOUNDED by the biggest metamorphosis on any human I'd ever seen. And I am not talking about her weight either...yes she got thin.....but her skin had miraculously transformed from this, bumpy inflamed surface, to skin so perfect....that she looked like a porcelain doll. 
Well this supposed "Miracle"diet is pretty simple, and it is what I preach to my clients and on this blog. People ask me every day... how I look so young for my age. When I was 30 I looked 20, and now that I'm 40... I look 30! I'm here to tell you it's not genes and it's not rocket science. Eat a diet high in antioxidants, good fats, greens, and lean protein.....low in bad carbs, sugar and salt....and you'll be flaunting that dewy luminous skin that the super models rock. A great physique and healthy mind are all an added bonus. Check for updates on how to make the transition from the diet you know now, to the diet celebrities and super models use and love.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Retinoids....Oh How I Love Thee!

I get bathetic when I talk about this genius invention. These Vitamin A derivatives are the only topical treatment actually proven to regenerate collagen. Retinoids control crucial cellular processes, and suppress inflammation (my favorite topic). Decades of Clinical Research show that they speed up cell turnover to smooth wrinkles, fade sunspots, improve texture, reduce blackheads and minimize pores. Ranella Hirsch from the American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons claims there is profound data to show that "if you use it for 20 years your'e going to look a whole lot better than someone who doesn't."

Albert Kligman, a dermatologist at the University of Pennsylvania discovered Retin-A for the treatment of acne in 1969. By the mid 1980's the patients he was treating for acne reported they're wrinkles diminishing. He then began studying Retin-A's anti-aging effects. "Since the span beginning of history we've been interested in curing wrinkles, and there have been a million concoctions to reduce them, but for the first time we had evidence that something really worked."
In recent years, Retin-A has been joined by Renova, which also has tretinoin as it's active ingredient but comes in a more moisturizing form. The future of the retinoid family looks promising. "We are constantly learning more about how amazing this stuff is!" says Leslie Bauman, director of the University of Miami Division of  Cosmetic Dermatology. 
Case in point…even retinol, the over the counter vitamin-A derivitive, improves wrinkles, roughness, and overall skin aging. 
Check out Allures recommendation on some great over the counter choices. 

WHAT SETS IT APART:Compared with other L'Oréal Paris products, it has more retinol (the company would not disclose the exact levels), plus SPF 20.

THE DOCTOR SAYS:"Especially noteworthy is the inclusion of an SPF in this retinol-treatment product," says dermatologist Ranella Hirsch. "And at $24.99, it's a good bang for your buck."

RoC's time-released formula slows absorption of retinol into the skin, limiting redness and dehydration.

"Their studies report that 96 percent of women with previous sensitivity to retinoids experienced no redness or irritation," says Hirsch. "That is like catnip to a dermatologist." $22.99

With a high concentration of retinol (1 percent), this formula delivers the punch of its prescription-only counterparts. The vitamin-A delivery system minimizes the odds of irritation—a boon for those with sensitive skin. It gradually helps skin look more radiant and refreshed.

"This is similar to tretinoin, which is available only from a doctor," says Day. "It gets results comparable to a prescription product." 

Lipo-hydroxy acid (LHA) exfoliates so the retinol can penetrate more easily.

"The LHA creates less of a barrier, so the skin can soak up more retinol without added irritation. Plus, it's paraben-free for those with allergies," says dermatologist Doris Day. $55.95

A List Of Proteins That Give Good Skin!

Protein comes primarily from animal sources but are also found in some vegetables. However those vegetable proteins aren't usually complete...meaning they don't have all the necessary essential amino acids needed by your body, to build and repair cells. Without adequate high quality protein...the cells are unable to repair themselves properly which causes rapid aging of skin. The worst thing we can do as women who are battling age is poor protein intake. There is nothing that will age you faster.... besides baking in the sun. Most women are not aware of this and more often than not, opt for a low protein, high carb diet. Women tend to have lower serotonin levels than men do, which is the reason we tend to select foods that will raise them...Good Ole Carbs.  Here are some of the proteins that will give you maximum health and appearance.
My favorite protein....Fish! I tend to go for the fattiest of the fish choices because they are the best at giving good skin. Cod, Salmon, Tuna, Snapper, Halibut, Haddock.
Next are meat and poultry! My first choices are the obvious skinless chicken and turkey. I will go for the occasional lean beef, pork, or lean ham.
If you're Vegan go for Soy Products!
Other sources of good protein......Low fat milk, low fat cottage cheese, Yogurt,  Egg Whites.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Good...the Bad...and Antioxidant's Best!

Eating healthy foods that keep you looking young while helping you 
maintain that girlish figure is easyRemember the whole idea is
reaching for antioxidant-rich foods and avoiding the ones that send 
your blood sugar soaringIt really is simple...once you 
understand what to  look forHere is a small basic list that should get 
you started.

THE BAD-I'm going to start with foods that make your blood sugar 
spike high on the glycemic indexYou want to try to stay away from 
these if your going for good overall health and young looking skin
Spike in Blood Sugar=Insulin release=Fat storage and inflammation
Cereals Processed with added sugar

(This isn't the entire list, but it's a good start)

THE GOOD-these list of Carbs that have a low spike on the glycemic 
indexYou can also eat a little protein before hand to really minimize 
that blood sugar spiking. The objective is.. as little inflammation to the 
body which causes youthful glowing skin and good over all health and 

Citrus Foods
Honeydew melon
Most non starchy vegetables
Kiwi fruit
Leafy greens

THE ABSOLUTE BESTThese antioxidants are your best bet when trying 
to be healthy, slim, and rock that great skin at ANY age
Avocadobut high in calories so don't eat too many at one sitting 
unless you plan on getting on that treadmill for at least an hour!
Bell Peppers
Cantaloupe/honeydew melons
Dark leafy vegetables(spinach, kale)
Orange-Colored squash
Pineapple is raging with antioxidants but high in sugar so remember 
that rule:
{Spike in Blood Sugar=Insulin release=Fat storage and inflammation}
Salmon (fresh, broiled or poached)

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Toxic Hormone!

There is no wonder why hormones are among the most vital chemical in the body. In childhood, they play a role in getting us past the short stage. In our teen years, they are the driving force behind puberty. And in a woman's older years, it can literally, redefine your existence. No matter what ageif hormones get out of whack.all hell can break lose! Hormones are what regulate our metabolism and can determine how fast we age. So there is a crucial interest in keeping those hormones under control and balanced.
Since hormones play such an important role in how we look and feel, we need to avoid anything that could disrupt that balance. Especially as we get the older....because those hormone levels begin to decline. Sex hormones, growth hormones, and even the hormones that affect our metabolism begin to rapidly decrease.  
There is one hormone, however that increases with age. Cortisolit enables our internal systems to maintain stability and balance during acute forms of stress. When it is needed the body produces it in quantities necessary to combat that stress. However a big problem arises when Cortisol is present for long periods of time in high quantities. In fact it can be toxic! When present at high levels it cause brain cells to die. An abundant amount of Cortisol in our system can destroy the immune system, cause sagging skin, decrease muscle mass, and shrink your brain and other vital organs. In fact in the anti aging community Cortisol it is associated with old age and disease. When cortisol levels increase so does your blood sugar, which cause inflammation. All of this is then the result of rapid aging and increases fat storage as well.
The way we live is of course is necessary to eliminating this problem. What you eat, how you eat, when you eat, and other lifestyle elements such as sleep, stress, and exercise are the key to keeping you and your body balanced.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Get Your Energy Groove On! Quick tips to fight low energy..

There are many factors that can cause a sluggish mood. Understanding the connection between your health and energy production is the key to fighting low energy. Wether it is stress, or a poor diet causing you to be lethargic... here are some quick tips that can help.

BREAKFAST- First and foremost is to start your day with a hearty healthy breakfast. And by that I don't mean fast food....opting for that choice is coma-inducing! Go for a well rounded breakfast that will provide that raw fuel needed to power up your day. Healthy carbs such as Oatmeal with walnuts is one of my favorite choices because of the long lasting energy it delivers. The healthy carb gives you brain fuel and high protein keeps you satisfied until lunch time.
EXERCISE- Take a brisk walk or get on a treadmill....any type of activity will do. Research shows that exercise stimulates brain chemicals that leave you feeling blissful and more relaxed. And the big bonus here..... it controls weight and fights disease!
Score Some Vitamin BBBBs- Studies have shown that the Vitamin B12 and Vitamn B9(folate) are crucial to a balanced brain chemistry and mood. Make sure you get them daily by reaching for foods rich with these vitamins. Foods rich in Vitamin B12 include salmon, whole grains, cottage cheese, lean beef, milk eggs and yogurt. High folate foods include oatmeal, leafy greens, beets broccoli, oranges and whole grain cereals.
GET YOUR SLEEP!- Depriving yourself of the right amount of sleep can lead to many more problems than just low energy. Research show that lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems so get a full nights rest. Try to get in sync with your body's natural sleep cycle by going to bed at the same time every night and by waking up at the same time every morning. Getting a good nights sleep is the best thing you can do for your overall health and well being.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fire Up That Metabolism With These Fat fighting Foods

Here are my top anti-immflamatory food choices for achieving that slim waistline. Some are rich in fiber which is the key to keeping your intestines working properly. And all are loaded with anti-immlamatory properties which will help you achieve maximum health!

My all time favorite fish with anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats is Wild Alaskan Salmon.
Alternatives: Tuna, Trout, Herring, Sardines, Sablefish, Anchovies (on a cracker with lemon and and chili pepper..Delish!)

In the Nuts and Seeds category I choose raw Almonds as my top choice. A great anti-imflammatory fat that also gives great skin!
Alternatives: Sesame seeds

In the Beans and Legumes category I go for the Hummus, Lentils, and Chick Peas as my top choices.
Alternatives: Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Kidney Beans

In the Spicy Calorie-burning foods I reach for Chili Peppers for a sure way to get that metabolism fired up fast.
Alternatives: Chili powder and Cayenne Peppers. 

In the veggie category they must be anti-immlmatory and there are quite a few. My first choices are:
Spinach, Kale, Chard, Collards, Blue Green Algae, Spirulina, Root Vegetable Green such as Turnip Beets and Mustard
Alternatives: Broccoli, Bell Peppers Onion Garlic, Green or Red Cabbage, Wheat and Barley, Brussel Sprouts, <Parsley, Mint Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary> (Herbs)

For my Whole Grains choice I opt for Oats, which have plenty of fiber and antioxidants.
Alternatives: Barley and Buckwheat

My favorite Fruits for fat burning are Apples and Grapefruit.
Alternatives: Berries, Oranges, cherries, plums, prunes, pears, and peaches

I saved the best for last.....All of these are a favorite but if I had to choose I would say the winner is Avocado a vitamin E powerhouse! 
Alternatives: Olives, coconut, Acai

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stock Your Fridge with an Arsenal of Antioxidants

There are more than 400 different anti-inflammatory bioflavonoids in just one serving of berries. A few stalks of broccoli provide more than the recommended RDA for Vitamin A, plus it's loaded with Sulforaphane, Calcium, and Vitamin C. From celery to zucchini, fresh fruit and vegetables are tasty and a powerful source of anti-aging antioxidants essential to health and a long life. Here is a list of recommended anti-imflammatory fruits and vegetables to add to your storehouse of age fighting foods!

Berries (Blackberries, blueberries,rasberries,strawberries)
Citris Fruits(including lemon)
Honeydew melon

Bean Sprouts
Bell Peppers(all colors)
Brussels Sprouts
Escarole and all other dark leafy lettuces
Romaine Lettuce
Summer Squash

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A List Of Proteins That Give Good Skin!

Protein comes primarily from animal sources but are also found in some vegetables. However those vegetable proteins aren't usually complete...meaning they don't have all the necessary essential amino acids needed by your body, to build and repair cells. Without adequate high quality protein...the cells are unable to repair themselves properly which causes rapid aging of skin. The worst thing we can do as women who are battling age is poor protein intake. There is nothing that will age you faster.... besides baking in the sun. Most women are not aware of this and more often than not, opt for a low protein, high carb diet. Women tend to have lower serotonin levels than men do, which is the reason we tend to select foods that will raise them...Good Ole Carbs.  Here are some of the proteins that will give you maximum health and appearance.
My favorite protein....Fish! I tend to go for the fattiest of the fish choices because they are the best at giving good skin. Cod, Salmon, Tuna, Snapper, Halibut, Haddock.
Next are meat and poultry! My first choices are the obvious skinless chicken and turkey. I will go for the occasional lean beef, pork, or lean ham.
If you're Vegan go for Soy Products!
Other sources of good protein......Low fat milk, low fat cottage cheese, Yogurt,  Egg Whites.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Simple Formula for Weight Loss and Good Skin

Everyone wants to be thin and slim. However the choices we make with our food on a daily basis, make it practically impossible to be so.
Most of Americans are barraged with all of the wrong food choices and are not aware of the dangers of these beautifully packaged foods. Refined sugars and starches and dangerous trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup…the list goes on and on….and it is a long one. Unfortunately, there isn't an instant reaction to these foods that lets us know they are not healthy choices.....until it is too late. 
The problem with these types of foods is that they boost the storage of fat and inflamation of the body. Most people are not aware that having beautiful skin and being thin is actually very simple if you follow a simple formula. And it doesn't involve starving yourself. It does however invovle changing your bad habits.
An anti-inflammatory diet can be both a powerful way to fight the signs of aging, and most importantly fight disease. It will lead to rapid weight loss, all while maintaining muscle mass and notably awarding you with radiant wrinkle-free skin. 
Here you go:
Always eat your protein first. Preferably a protein high in Omega-3's and Omega-6 fatty acids. The incredible anti-inflammatory power of Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in the high fish and in fish oil will reduce inflammation in all organ systems, stimulate the loss of body fat, stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin. Eating your proteins first will slow down the absorption of the simple carbs that follow. Save the fruit for last to prevent the natural sugars from causing a spike in blood sugar. 
Remember the goal is to prevent a spike in blood sugar which triggers insulin release. Insulin release causes inflammation of the body. Inflammation causes wrinkles, fat absorption, and disease. 
If it seems complicated... try to remember this simple fact:
Insulin release= fat storage and inflammation
Stay tuned for a list of foods that are anti-inflammatory and a list of them that are not!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar...a cure all?

As a little girl I remember grams telling us that drinking apple cider everyday would help us live to be 120. And although that didn't seem so appealing, we did as she told. At that time  I believed grams folklore ideas were silly.....the older I got the more I believed she was on to something.
Heres why.....
I tend to stay away from prescription drugs, so I've had to try all those supposed natural remedies for ailments. I can honestly say that Raw organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is my Cure really is amazing like grams always said. The only vinegar that can and should be consumed daily, is made from fermented, crushed apples that have not been treated with toxic pesticides, making it one of nature’s purest and most potent remedies.
I have used it for all things ranging from sinus infections and sore throats to mosquito bites, and rinsing my hair for shine. It has many household uses as well. It can kill weeds and clean coffeepots. I can list many reasons for keeping apple cider vinegar on hand. Pharmacological studies tell us it also works well to lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It slows the growth rate of cancer cells, and can help with diabetes. It helps those who are trying for weight loss. Helps clear hives when taken orally and applied topically. Promotes digestion. It Is high in minerals and potassium which is good for skin. Encourages the growth of healthy bacteria within your body. Can help ease menstrual cramps. Need I say more?
I have been singing the benefits of vinegar for about 3 years now..... I really encourage everyone to drink at least 2-4 tablespoonsmixed with water daily! You can also add a tablespoon of organic honey or stevia if it tastes too bitter for you.
Grams is turning over in her grave trying to say "I told you so!"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Green Fast Food To Go!

Do you have a busy life and always on the go? Don't miss a meal because of it. Get all the nutrients necessary in a quick easy meal replacement if you're on the as easy as making a cup of coffee.
Here is a green drink with Spinach, Celery, Mushrooms, Strawberries and a Pear. Quick, Easy Delicious!!

124 Ways That Sugar Can Ruin Your Health By Nancy Appleton, PhD

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious disease).
6. Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose.
7. Sugar reduces high-density lipoproteins.
8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9. Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
10. Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
11. Sugar causes copper deficiency.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
14. Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and nor epinephrine.
15. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
16. Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract.
17. Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children.
18. Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease.
19. Sugar can cause premature aging.
20. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
21. Sugar can cause tooth decay.
22. Sugar contributes to obesity.
23. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
24. Sugar can cause changes frequently found in person with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
25. Sugar can cause arthritis.
26. Sugar can cause asthma.
27. Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans.
28. Sugar can cause gallstones.
29. Sugar can cause heart disease.
30. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
31. Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
32. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
33. Sugar can cause varicose veins.
34. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
35. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
36. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
37. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
38. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
39. Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood.
40. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.
41. Sugar can increase cholesterol.
42. Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure.
43. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
44. High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (Sugar bound non-enzymatically to protein)
45. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
46. Sugar causes food allergies.
47. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
48. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
49. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
50. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
51. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
52. Sugar can change the structure of protein.
53. Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
54. Sugar can cause cataracts.
55. Sugar can cause emphysema.
56. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
57. Sugar can promote an elevation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
58. High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body.
59. Sugar lowers the enzymes ability to function.
60. Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson’s disease.
61. Sugar can cause a permanent altering the way the proteins act in the body.
62. Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide.
63. Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat.
64. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
65. Sugar can damage the pancreas.
66. Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
67. Sugar is enemy #1 of the bowel movement.
68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).
69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
70. Sugar can make the tendons more brittle.
71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
72. Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women.
73. Sugar can cause depression.
74. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves.
75. Sugar can cause depression.
76. Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer.
77. Sugar cause dyspepsia (indigestion).
78. Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout.
79. Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates.
80. Sugar can increase the insulin response in humans consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
81. High refund sugar diet reduces learning capacity.
82. Sugar can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body’s
      ability to handle fat cholesterol.
83. Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
84. Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness.
85. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become under active and others become overactive.
86. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
87. Sugar can lead to the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli.
88. Sugar can lead to dizziness.
89. Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress.
90. High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion.
91. High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer.
92. Sugar feeds cancer.
93. High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-
      gestational-age (SGA) infant.
94. High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents.
95. Sugar slows food’s travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.
96. Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon. This can modify bile to produce
     cancer causing compounds and colon cancer.
97. Sugar increase estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men.
98. Sugar combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more difficult.
99. Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer.
100. Sugar is an addictive substance.
101. Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
102. Sugar can exacerbate PMS.
103. Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce.
104. Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability.
105. The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream the it does starch.
106. The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects.
107. Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
108. Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition.
109. Sugar can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function.
110. Sugar has the potential of including abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic
      degenerative diseases.
111. I.Vs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain.
112. High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer.
113. Sugar increases the risk of polio.
114. High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures.
115. Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
116. In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives.
117. Sugar may induce cell death.
118. Sugar may impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms.
119. In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial  behavior.
120. Sugar can cause gastric cancer.
121. Sugar dehydrates newborns.
122. Sugar can cause gum disease.
123. Sugar increases the estradiol in young men.
124. Sugar can cause low birth-weight babies.