Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feed Your Skin!

You can eat your way to younger looking skin by keeping it healthy! To help your skin maintain a healthy glow,  reach for foods that are rich in Vitamins A, C, E and B5….nutrients that will help soothe and moisturize your skin. 
So pile these foods on your plate. They pack nutrients essential for healthy skin and are proven complexion perfecters!
Avocados are my all time favorite. Not only are they are versatile when it comes to recipes…they give the best skin! The oils in the avocado will work internally by softening your skin. Along with providing free radical protection at a cellular level, the vitamin C in avocados, help maintain firmness and elasticity. Oleic acid is the primary fatty acid found in avocados and has many benefits such as maintaining moisture in the skin.
We have all heard that Olive Oil is holy grail of foods because it has been proven to fight heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. So it's not really all that surprising to hear that it can make your skin beautiful. It's anti-imflammatory properties make it particularly useful....and it's abundant supply of antioxidants help moisturize the skin. Reach for the "extra virgin" or "cold pressed".

Not only do Tomatoes taste great…they are a great source of lycopene which reduce free radicals in the body and help retain moisture. It is also known to protect agains sunburn when consumed daily.

 Eggs are an obvious choice for breakfast, but not necessarily the first food that jumps to mind, when feeding the skin. Believe it or not eating eggs, will make you glow! They are rich in Vitamin A, which influence cellular production in your skin. One large egg provides you with 0.04 mcg of copper which boosts the production of elastin, keeping your skin strong and healthy.

Seeds and almonds are loaded with vitamin E.  Vitamin E contains high levels of antioxidants that protect skin from UV free radicals and guard the outer membrane, resulting in healthy cells. As a consequence those healthy membranes hold water in, keeping the skin hydrated. Walnuts are also a a good choice for feeding your skin. They are a rich source of Omega-3s, which help put shine in your hair and aid in make skin smoother and younger looking. 

Beans and legumes are an excellent protein source. Consuming these will help with cell damage repair. During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids, helping speed up the repair and regeneration of skin cells and collagen.
So what are you waiting for?  Start feeding your skin…reach for these foods and hydrate your skin from the inside out!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Red Gold From The Sea!

Celebs like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, and Sex And The City star Kim Cattrall, have all admitted  to eating a high salmon diet to knock years off of their appearance. And if anything can do it…the anti-inflammatory rich in Omega-3s cold water fish, can. 
The experts claim that we should consume fatty fish, one to two times a week, for its cardio protective properties. Studies have shown the impact that omega-3 fatty acids have on curbing tumor development in certain cancers. Science Daily reported that Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oils, has been shown to reduce the size of tumors and enhance the positive effects of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin, while limiting its harmful side effects. The rat experiments provide some support for the plethora of health benefits often ascribed to omega-3 acids. 
It is however, important to know the origin of the salmon you are consuming ….Is it farm raised or is it harvested in the wild from Alaskan waters? You shouldn't assume that environmentally controlled conditions like "salmon farming" ensures purity and safety. Highly regarded Dermatologists, Dr. Nicholas Perricone suggests eating salmon several times per week and that your choice should be wild salmon not farmed. This is because wild salmon from Alaska, grows without antibiotics, pesticides, growth hormones, synthetic coloring agents and genetically modified organisms. Alaska's management of Fisheries is ecologically correct. All Alaskan salmon live in their natural habitat in the waters of the North Pacific where they reach adulthood at their own pace, eating natural foods like squid, zooplankton, shrimp and other marine life. They swim free on the high seas and then return to the streams on their own schedule. The salmon fish in Alaska are wild….there are no salmon farms in Alaska. Salmon farming was prohibited by the Alaska Legislature in 1990 to protect Alaska's wild fisheries from potential problems that could potential affect the populations of bears, Eagles and other species of birds and mammals. 
A prominent and ecologically motivated resource for obtaining wild Alaskan salmon is Vital Choice Seafood. Vital Choice was started by Randy Hartnell, a 20-year veteran Alaskan fisherman who utilizes his extensive knowledge of the Alaskan fishing industry to locate and provide the finest quality wild salmon available. Providing both canned and frozen products, Hartnell has filled a niche market with his Wild Red Alaskan sockeye salmon which he markets in convenient prepackaged flash frozen or canned form. For consumers, the ability to have wild Alaskan salmon delivered to your door translates into dietary convenience and versatility. On an ecological note, if ever there was a respectful way of harvesting animal protein for human consumption in a sustainable manner, it would be Alaska’s commercial salmon fisheries, which are the chief economic force behind the protection of wild salmon. Salmon are not harvested until they are nearly ready to spawn. Salmon do not spawn until they are ready to diet. “If you want to save wild salmon, you have to eat wild salmon,” says Hartnell.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Born With A Silver Spoon!

For thousands of years, silver has played an essential role in safeguarding human health. The phrase "born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" often  refers to the wealthy and is traced back to the 14th century. In days when peasants were dying in large numbers from plagues and illnesses, the rich and affluent would give their babies a silver spoon to suck on to boost the immune system. This is a partial reason why the wealthy didn't die, when plagues were killing off most of the population. They could afford better sanitation and silver spoons...the peasants could not. 
I was first introduced to Colloidal Silver 5 years ago when I woke up one morning with excruciating pain, and grey and white spots on the back of my bright red throat. I was speaking at an event that ran 10 days the following morning, and was desperate for a quick solution. My good friend suggested I go to Whole Foods and purchase a bottle of Colloidal Silver, and gargle with it every half hour. Because I had no other options I complied! And, boy was I glad I did. Within four hours of the half hour ritual, the spots disappeared and the pain subsided. The following week was not easy by any means, but it saved me from extreme discomfort and most importantly…I was able to honor my speaking engagement. 
I have since used Colloidal for many ailments, and have been declaring it's holistic healing power to family and friends. Those who have tried it are singing it's praises as well . Here are the different ailments and conditions it has proved effective with for me, over the years.
The list is long….
Food Poisoning- Cramping subsided after 10 minutes of ingesting
Cold and Flu-I  begin taking it when feeling a bit under the weather or have been around someone who has been ill. I always use when traveling or flying to boost immune system.
Infections- Will clear them right up
Hives from Allergic reactions- Taken orally and topically for this and will sooth inflamed hives 
Scrapes and Burns- Apply topically; will dry and heal quickly 
Pink eye- One drop in each eye will instantly turn bloodshot eyes into crisp clean white…Also removes itching instantly
Ear infections- Have used it on both of my dogs and have had success….Apply 5 drops in the infected ear twice a day until healed(takes roughly a week) 
Pimples, blackheads and cysts- Aplly topically and will see results within a day
Fever blister-What usually takes 3 weeks to heal...with colloidal 3 to 7 days….
Tarter & Gum irritation- I use as mouthwash in the morning after brushing and at night before going to bed. My dentist noticed a huge difference in tartar build up after this regimen. I then used it to brush my dogs teeth and tartar was visibly reduced in 1 week. Healed their gingivitis and bad breath as well.
Food Allergies- I was experiencing reactions to almost anything I'd eat and after taken it orally for a week the hives stopped.

There have been negative effects associated with this holistic remedy, but I have yet to see any and have been using it for 5 years or more. I do however try not to take it unless I have to. I did all the research and believe the brand Sovereign Silver is the safest because of it's characteristics. It is the only brand I have used to date.
  • Smallest average particle size ever seen - 0.8 nm (nanometers) / 0.0008 microns / 8 Angstroms - confirmed by Univ. of Miami Medical School Click here
  • 96% actively charged particles - confirmed in a University of Miami study. Click here.
  • Safe low concentration of 10 ppm (parts-per-million) - confirmed at an FDA approved laboratory. icon_acrobat.gif Click Here for Acute Toxicity Study
  • Made from 99.99% pure silver - confirmed by 3rd party assay. Click Here
  • Made with ultra-pure, medical-grade water (the only other ingredient).
  • Crystal clear and virtually tasteless.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tea The Skin Protector!

Green and Black Teas have been shown to prevent skin cancer in mice (wether the teas are consumed or applied topically in extract form to the skin). But a new study is one of the first to confirm this link in people. Epidemiologist from Dartmouth Medical School surveyed 1,466 people with non melanoma skin cancer and 715 people of similar ages who had not developed the disease about their life long tea drinking habits. Daily tea consumption was associated with a 20 to 30 percent decrease in skin cancer risk. The participants who had been drinking tea the longest, or who had at least 2 cups per day, showed even greater protection. The researchers could not pinpoint the type of tea responsible but both green and black teas contain antioxidants that help fight UV-induced damage, says the lead investigator, Judy Rees. Tea did not appear to protect people who had gotten multiple sunburns, she adds, so some protection remains paramount!
By Kristin Sainani

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cellulite and Nutrition!

I really enjoyed this article By Dr. Perricone, renowned certified Dermatologist......

Cellulite and Nutrition
Aging does not just take place on the face. As the body ages we see changes that include the loss of muscle tone in conjunction with the addition of body fat, particularly in the abdominal area, on the legs and on the arms. This excess body fat is directly attributable to two factors. The first is the loss of insulin sensitivity, the second the elevation of cortisol (the death hormone) levels in conjunction with a decrease in the life or youth hormones, testosterone, estrogen, human growth hormone, etc. We must avoid swings in blood sugar, which can cause the storage of fat and a break down of muscle tissue.

Patients often ask me if eating particular foods can prevent or lesson the appearance of cellulite. Ideally, if you make anti-inflammatory foods the basis of your daily diet, this will ensure low body fat, maintenance of muscle mass and healthy, radiant, firm skin.

I recommend a three-tiered approach to enhance skin appearance and optimize overall health: 1) nutritional supplements 2) topical anti-oxidants; and 3)a daily anti-aging diet  that minimizes sugary, starchy foods in favor of the following anti-inflammatory fare:
  • Fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, which are rich in protein, DMAE, and Omega fatty acids.
  • Colorful fruits—especially blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and cantaloupe.
  • Non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, leafy greens, artichokes, asparagus, onion, and red-yellow peppers.
  • Healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocado
These foods and beverages act as natural anti-inflammatories and help to maintain normal levels of insulin and blood sugar. Above all, avoid starchy, sugary foods and beverages as well as those containing high fructose corn syrup which will 'super size' you in no time as this substance increases the appetite and converts to fat more rapidly than any other sugar.

It is also important to drink plenty of pure, non-carbonated spring water throughout the day (6 to 8 glasses). You will enjoy an extra benefit if you add a generous squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Lemon is rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin C (anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants), and acts as a natural diuretic to help the body shed excess water. Lemon is also a natural detoxifying agent, and many experts believe detoxifying the body helps eliminate the lumpy and bumpy appearance of cellulite.

Many of my patients also find that regular use of topical DMAE decreases the appearance of cellulite on legs, thighs, and upper arms DMAE is an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, nutrient-like substance that occurs naturally in our bodies. I recommend applying DMAE rich lotion in advance of any special event, and before donning short pants, skirts, dresses, or a bathing suit. Many people find that their skin adopts a healthier, smoother appearance with remarkable rapidity—often, in as few as 10 to 15 minutes. 
For the original article click here.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Garlic...Nature's Wonder Drug!

The health benefits of garlic have been appreciated and used since primitive times.  And if you aren’t already using garlic in your daily life, then you will likely stock your kitchen with it after reading all it has to offer. 
Garlic has been recognized for fighting cardiovascular disease, and strengthening the immune system to help your body fight the common cold and even cancer. Studies have shown that it can reduce atherosclerosis and fat deposition, normalize the lipoprotein balance, decrease blood pressure, produce anti-imflammatory benefits, and function as an antioxidant to some extent.
In a study performed by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, , Scientists found that after extracting juice from garlic and adding small amounts of it to human red blood cells…. those cells immediately began emitting hydrogen sulfide.
The power to boost hydrogen sulfide production may explain why a garlic-rich diet appears to protect against various cancers, including breast, prostate and colon cancer, say the study authors. Higher hydrogen sulfide might also protect the heart, according to other experts. Although garlic has not consistently been shown to lower cholesterol levels, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine earlier this year found that injecting hydrogen sulfide into mice almost completely prevented the damage to heart muscle caused by a heart attack.
Garlic also contains allicin, a compound thought to increase blood flow to the sexual organs.  Which is why some experts believe that garlic is a very powerful aphrodisiac. Allicin is also recognized for it's potential weight loss benefits, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. By consuming a crushed fresh garlic clove, you get between 2,500-4,500 mcg of allicin per gram.
Garlic has also been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders Pimples clear up when used topically several times a day.  
A recap:
  • is anti-bacterial (includes bacteria which have become antibiotic-resistant!)
  • is anti-viral
  • is anti-fungal
  • is anti-inflammatory
  • may help improve iron metabolism
  • is a good source of manganese, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6
  • supports heart health by lowering triglycerides and total cholesterol
  • keeps blood pressure in check
  • may help reduce the formation of fat cells
  • heals hives and acne
So you must agree that Garlic isn't just a tasty seasoning to add aroma, and taste to your dishes for is clearly a superfood for your health.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ten Miracle Foods You Must Have In Your Diet!

According to Dr. Perricone, a board certified dermatologist, these 10 foods are extremely important and must not be absent from your diet. They provide fiber, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Consuming these foods will help regulate metabolism, lower cholesterol, burn body fat, and protect your organs from toxins. They are the following:

Acai is a palm tree in the Amazon that grows purple berries filled with antioxidants, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! The fatty acid in this berry resembles that of Olive Oil.

The allium family of vegetables includes:
Garlic which reduces toxins, lowers blood pressure, lessens the risk of the hardening of arteries. 
Onions boosts the immune system, reduces the risk of diabetes, and certain cancers. 
Leeks stabilizes blood sugar. 
Shallots, Chives and Scallions all help lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and improve the immune system.

Barley is the most beneficial grain. It is known to lower blood cholesterol, protect against cancer, slow starch digestion, and provide high concentrations of tocotrienols

Beans and lentils are a low fat sources of protein. In addition to being rich in fiber , they are a good source of potassium, folic acid, flavonoids and flavonals (which exert antioxidant activity 50 times greater than vitamin E).
Buckwheat seeds are high in fiber and protein. They have more protein than rice or wheat and are low on the glycemic scale, meaning it does not adversely affect your blood sugar level. Buckwheat also improves colon health.

Green Foods are the Blue Green Algae, Barley Grass and Wheat Grass which all help boost the immune system and have cancer fighting qualities.

Hot Peppers have an anti-inflammatory effect also contain the antioxidant producing flavonoids, twice the amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits. They will speed up your metabolism and are great for heart health.

Unsalted nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and flaxseed, help lower your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and cancer. They also reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging, according to Perricone.

Vegetables sprouts have a high enzyme content, chlorophyll, vitamin C and protein. 

Yogurt and kefir contain probiotics which are live microorganisms that aid in your digestion and boost your immune system.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fat Fighting Fats!

Body fat literally affects our appetite, energy, and the way that our body protects against disease. Being  extremely selective in our food choices will help take an effective anti-inflammatory approach to dieting. But completely cutting out fat isn't the is replacing bad fat with good fat that will win the battle against the bulge.

Like carbohydrates and protein, fat is an essential nutrient. This means that your body requires it for key functions, such as absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. "Fat is also an important energy source and is vital for keeping your skin and hair healthy and smooth," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D., author of "Read It Before You Eat It". Even more surprising: Research is revealing that eating the right fats can actually lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity, and improve your cholesterol levels. That's because all fats are not created equal, Dr. Hu points out. It's not the total amount of fat in your diet that affects how much you weigh or whether you're at risk for heart disease, according to rigorous studies from the past decade. What matters is the type of fats you choose.
Stick to Omega 3 rich foods and avoid sugary starchy foods that will send your blood sugar levels soaring. Remember that excess insulin and high blood sugar will always store fat and accelerate aging. Healthy fats play an important role in managing your moods, fight fatigue, and even control your weight. Cold Fish such as Salmon, Halibut, Anchovies, Snapper, Bass, Bluefish, Trout, Herring, Mackerel, or high-quality cold-water fish oil supplements are essential fatty acids that will always help eliminate toxic fat.. Canned albacore tuna and lake trout can also be good sources, depending on how the fish were raised and processed. These Omega 3 fatty acids are know to ease arthritis, joint pain and inflammatory skin conditions. Protect against memory loss and dementia. And reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.  Other good fats are Olives, Almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, cashews, avocados, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, sesame, and pumpkin seeds, white meat chicken or turkey, low fat cheese, yogurt, vegetable oils, and hazelnuts.                                                
Essential fatty acids are those that our body can not make on it's own and but is necessary so we must obtain them from our food. It's not hard to add essential fatty acids to your current diet. All it takes is a conscious effort on your part to do it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Protein..How much do you need??

We all agree that protein is essential for our bodies. It is needed for stamina, muscle strength, and to nourish and satisfy every living cell in our brain and body. It affects organ function, bones, and even the collagen and elasticity in our skin. It even indirectly contributes to the regulation of blood glucose levels that affects insulin release. Without it....we can drive our bodies into an accelerated aging mode.
So how much of it do we need?
According to Mark Tarnopolsky, M.D. Ph.D who studies exercise and nutrition at McMaster University in Hamiltion, Ontario....a 180 pound man who works out regularly would need 80 grams a day. A highly trained athlete would need 0.77 grams per pound of body weight.
According to the Tara Dellolacono, a nutritional spokesperson for Cliff Bar, women need between 50 and 60 grams of protein a day. It should account for about 20 to 25% of they're total calorie intake.
But what exactly does that mean? Are we talking avid strength trainer here or the average gym member who gets on a treadmill for 30 minutes, 3 times a week? 
After an hour of sifting through the data, and interpretations to try to come up with a simplified answer. ......I stumbled upon a genius little tool provided by the University of Maryland Medical System. The Protein Calculator!!  By entering my age, height and gender, followed by my estimated activity level and it calculated my required daily Protein intake at 67 grams per day! What's yours?