Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Simple Formula for Weight Loss and Good Skin

Everyone wants to be thin and slim. However the choices we make with our food on a daily basis, make it practically impossible to be so.
Most of Americans are barraged with all of the wrong food choices and are not aware of the dangers of these beautifully packaged foods. Refined sugars and starches and dangerous trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup…the list goes on and on….and it is a long one. Unfortunately, there isn't an instant reaction to these foods that lets us know they are not healthy choices.....until it is too late. 
The problem with these types of foods is that they boost the storage of fat and inflamation of the body. Most people are not aware that having beautiful skin and being thin is actually very simple if you follow a simple formula. And it doesn't involve starving yourself. It does however invovle changing your bad habits.
An anti-inflammatory diet can be both a powerful way to fight the signs of aging, and most importantly fight disease. It will lead to rapid weight loss, all while maintaining muscle mass and notably awarding you with radiant wrinkle-free skin. 
Here you go:
Always eat your protein first. Preferably a protein high in Omega-3's and Omega-6 fatty acids. The incredible anti-inflammatory power of Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in the high fish and in fish oil will reduce inflammation in all organ systems, stimulate the loss of body fat, stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin. Eating your proteins first will slow down the absorption of the simple carbs that follow. Save the fruit for last to prevent the natural sugars from causing a spike in blood sugar. 
Remember the goal is to prevent a spike in blood sugar which triggers insulin release. Insulin release causes inflammation of the body. Inflammation causes wrinkles, fat absorption, and disease. 
If it seems complicated... try to remember this simple fact:
Insulin release= fat storage and inflammation
Stay tuned for a list of foods that are anti-inflammatory and a list of them that are not!