Green and Black Teas have been shown to prevent skin cancer in mice (wether the teas are consumed or applied topically in extract form to the skin). But a new study is one of the first to confirm this link in people. Epidemiologist from Dartmouth Medical School surveyed 1,466 people with non melanoma skin cancer and 715 people of similar ages who had not developed the disease about their life long tea drinking habits. Daily tea consumption was associated with a 20 to 30 percent decrease in skin cancer risk. The participants who had been drinking tea the longest, or who had at least 2 cups per day, showed even greater protection. The researchers could not pinpoint the type of tea responsible but both green and black teas contain antioxidants that help fight UV-induced damage, says the lead investigator, Judy Rees. Tea did not appear to protect people who had gotten multiple sunburns, she adds, so some protection remains paramount!
By Kristin Sainani