Heres why.....
I tend to stay away from prescription drugs, so I've had to try all those supposed natural remedies for ailments. I can honestly say that Raw organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is my Cure all...it really is amazing like grams always said. The only vinegar that can and should be consumed daily, is made from fermented, crushed apples that have not been treated with toxic pesticides, making it one of nature’s purest and most potent remedies.
I have used it for all things ranging from sinus infections and sore throats to mosquito bites, and rinsing my hair for shine. It has many household uses as well. It can kill weeds and clean coffeepots. I can list many reasons for keeping apple cider vinegar on hand. Pharmacological studies tell us it also works well to lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It slows the growth rate of cancer cells, and can help with diabetes. It helps those who are trying for weight loss. Helps clear hives when taken orally and applied topically. Promotes digestion. It Is high in minerals and potassium which is good for skin. Encourages the growth of healthy bacteria within your body. Can help ease menstrual cramps. Need I say more?
I have been singing the benefits of vinegar for about 3 years now..... I really encourage everyone to drink at least 2-4 tablespoonsmixed with water daily! You can also add a tablespoon of organic honey or stevia if it tastes too bitter for you.
Grams is turning over in her grave trying to say "I told you so!"
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