For thousands of years, silver has played an essential role in safeguarding human health. The phrase "born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" often refers to the wealthy and is traced back to the 14th century. In days when peasants were dying in large numbers from plagues and illnesses, the rich and affluent would give their babies a silver spoon to suck on to boost the immune system. This is a partial reason why the wealthy didn't die, when plagues were killing off most of the population. They could afford better sanitation and silver spoons...the peasants could not.
I was first introduced to Colloidal Silver 5 years ago when I woke up one morning with excruciating pain, and grey and white spots on the back of my bright red throat. I was speaking at an event that ran 10 days the following morning, and was desperate for a quick solution. My good friend suggested I go to Whole Foods and purchase a bottle of Colloidal Silver, and gargle with it every half hour. Because I had no other options I complied! And, boy was I glad I did. Within four hours of the half hour ritual, the spots disappeared and the pain subsided. The following week was not easy by any means, but it saved me from extreme discomfort and most importantly…I was able to honor my speaking engagement.
I have since used Colloidal for many ailments, and have been declaring it's holistic healing power to family and friends. Those who have tried it are singing it's praises as well . Here are the different ailments and conditions it has proved effective with for me, over the years.
The list is long….
Food Poisoning- Cramping subsided after 10 minutes of ingesting
Cold and Flu-I begin taking it when feeling a bit under the weather or have been around someone who has been ill. I always use when traveling or flying to boost immune system.
Infections- Will clear them right up
Hives from Allergic reactions- Taken orally and topically for this and will sooth inflamed hives
Scrapes and Burns- Apply topically; will dry and heal quickly
Pink eye- One drop in each eye will instantly turn bloodshot eyes into crisp clean white…Also removes itching instantly
Ear infections- Have used it on both of my dogs and have had success….Apply 5 drops in the infected ear twice a day until healed(takes roughly a week)
Pimples, blackheads and cysts- Aplly topically and will see results within a day
Fever blister-What usually takes 3 weeks to heal...with colloidal 3 to 7 days….
Tarter & Gum irritation- I use as mouthwash in the morning after brushing and at night before going to bed. My dentist noticed a huge difference in tartar build up after this regimen. I then used it to brush my dogs teeth and tartar was visibly reduced in 1 week. Healed their gingivitis and bad breath as well.
Food Allergies- I was experiencing reactions to almost anything I'd eat and after taken it orally for a week the hives stopped.
There have been negative effects associated with this holistic remedy, but I have yet to see any and have been using it for 5 years or more. I do however try not to take it unless I have to. I did all the research and believe the brand Sovereign Silver is the safest because of it's characteristics. It is the only brand I have used to date.
- Smallest average particle size ever seen - 0.8 nm (nanometers) / 0.0008 microns / 8 Angstroms - confirmed by Univ. of Miami Medical School Click here.
- 96% actively charged particles - confirmed in a University of Miami study. Click here.
- Safe low concentration of 10 ppm (parts-per-million) - confirmed at an FDA approved laboratory.
Click Here for Acute Toxicity Study.
- Made from 99.99% pure silver - confirmed by 3rd party assay. Click Here.
- Made with ultra-pure, medical-grade water (the only other ingredient).
- Crystal clear and virtually tasteless.